Friday, June 26, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
I believe that everyone in life have met many challenges in many in their lives before; so have I.
But to see urself failing again over again even though u tried, its kindda dissapointing and demoralising so to speak.
No one likes to fail, neither do I.
Is it really worth going through all the failure so that u can make it in life?
Or is it juz a joke which you have to go through in life so that u learn from it?
Its draining, its demoralising, its disappointing, and its really tiring...
But i am not giving up;yet.
And so i decided to take up the challenge again and work even harder for it.
Only the future knows whats in store for me.
Shut up and listen more, i guess thats what i should do from now on.
I ain't gonna be the same no more.
Anyways, yesterday went to have dinner with my cousins, cousins' kids, mum and diane!
Went to Vivocity March
é to makan with everyone and had really great time!
Eat until lao sai! Hahahah!!

Baby and Me!
Baby I still believe
Thursday, June 11, 2009
1 year!=)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Yesterday was an awesome day!
Had the worst to the best all in one day!
We had dinner at Lerk Thai Tanjon Pagar, its at White Sands there...
The food okay lah, spicy and sour but good!
Luckily the next day no lao sai!!!
In short, it was one of the best days i had!

A cheeky smile from baby!

Thats better! =)

She is bored i guess...

Satisified look!=D

I need water~

Both of us!=D
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
30 days time
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Hey people!
Time passes so quickly!
In 30 days time, i would be on my way to tekong island where i will begin my national service.
It will also mark an end or a beginning in my life also.
So love take my hand,
Walk with me to the very end,
We shall conquer this obstacle together,
Although we might not have a forever,
But at least we still have each other,
So lets try our very best,
To get through with this test,
And let God take care of the rest.
I ♥ You
Sunday, June 7, 2009
A life lost, A lesson learnt
Sunday, June 07, 2009
As i was on my computer,
I heard your voice falter,
The voice turn into cries,
As sudden as water turn into ice,
I rushed in to the room,
Only to guess that something happen too soon,
My guess was right,
Someone close have just died.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Monday, June 01, 2009
Hey people!
Here is a little something i came out with during these few days...Hope u guys like it!=D
Here I am,
Standing downstairs in a familiar place,
Thinking about all that we went through,
Looking back with all the memories,
Good and Bad,
Should have realise,
Read the signs,
Thinking that both of us are fine,
Only to find out that in time,
All of it was all just a lie.
My heart don't feel it,
My eyes don't see it,
Can someone please tell me,
How can this really be?
For once i felt happy in my life,
Now it is like a giant tide,
Swallowing me alive,
Over and over again,
Can we still be friends?
Anyways, thats the end for now!!
Until i can find something better!!
See ya guys!!