Saturday, May 23, 2009
Been a year man!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Hey people,
it have been a year since i gotten my license...
Time to take our the P plate!
Someone threw my P plate today!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
In time of calm-ness coming the chaos in our minds...
Somehow, the chaos is begining to haunt me in my thoughts, actions..
What are suppose to mean?
Is it true that my deepest fear is imminent?
All of the letters,
All of the words,
All of the phases,
All of the sentences,
What do they mean?
It crossed my mine over and over again,
Are our minds changing?
Or is it the temptations of the world affecting us?
My mind is turning insane,
What is happening to me?
My mind goes blank out of the blue,
Filled with emptiness,
And perhaps thoughts.
Thoughts that are killing me,
Thoughts that instill fear in me,
Thoughts that i tried to get rid off time and time again.
Nonetheless, the past haunts me.
I need a cure,
I need a solution,
I need an answer,
Only to realise....
The pain can never be cured,
The pain can never be solved,
The pain can never be answered.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Some which i learnt today!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Went to my cousin's house and became a "Yes Mam"...Sweep the floor, mopped the floor and washed the balcony only to find lots of stuff which can send most of u running!
A phase i learnt today:-
You can love anyone,
but you can only be in love with one.
Your the one I am in love with,
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I am back!!!!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Hey people!!
I am back from hokkaido!!
Only 1 word to say..............AWESOME!!!!
Its the weather that makes it perfect!
How perfect some of u might ask...
Imagine this,
In the morning, its around 1- degrees,
In the afternoon, its around 13-15 degrees,
In the night, its around 7-9 degrees,
Imagine this,
It being at night and u juz came out from the outdoor hot spring!
The cold wind blows against u but ur smoking HOT!!!
Their service is really unbeatable!
Singapore have a long long way to go to even reach close to the standard!
There is something that diane and i came out with:-
Love is so fragile,
Life is so short,
Do they share the same fate?
They both start and end the same,
it what's in the middle that makes it different. =)
How true isn't it?
The time is coming, slowly but surely...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Off i go..
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Hey people,I am leaving liao...
See you guys when i am back!
I love you diane!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Take care people!
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Hey guys...
I would be leaving for Japan tmr night....
Touch wood juz incase some way or another if any of u guys dun happen to see me ever again, treasure what u have and enjoy life to ur max!
Hahahahahahah!!!*Yikes* Touch wood touch wood!
I will be back in a week time so until then,take care people and dun get sick!!!
I will be missing you...
I love u diane...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Mummy!
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Monday, May 04, 2009
Went to the movies with diane last week to watch the fast and the furious 4 before it is over in the cinemas!
So before that, we went to ichiban sushi for lunch!I let the photos do the talking!

A lovely smile before she eats!

Taking a scoop off the steamed egg!

We love this photo! =)
If you could see, what i see, that you're the answer to my prayers,
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel,
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here..
I love you baby! =)