Sunday was AWESOME...I went to np with syafiq to meet the civic...Only to be disappointed slightly that the owner said the person with the civic have not returned...So syafiq and i waited for the person to return before entering the civic!!The owner was saying he has another red civic which is about to come out of the workshop...And syafiq was suggesting one of these days, we rent the civics...Then will be 3 civic outing...Hahaha...After that,syafiq and i went off and he let me drove the civic around all the Expressways in singapore!!Hahaha...After that, we went to serangoon to fetch his friend and dropped his friend off at beach road before letting me drive again and head back to hougang...So after letting syafiq off, i had the civic all to myself for 2 and a half hours!!!Hahaha...So, i asked diane if she is free for lunch and she was...So i waited at her house downstairs...When she entered the car, her first sentence:'' This car damn BENG!" Hahaha...No doubt it is... :) After that, we head to amk central for lunch...After i finished buying and eating my lunch, she then started eating...Damn funny!Hahaa...Because i had to pass the car back to syafiq soon, i had to rush her...So, i said this"U know, if u eat faster,u can actually go play with figo?"I then saw the change in speed!LOl..After that, i bought for my mum her lunch and drove back home and went up to pass my mum her food with her...Then i left for hougang and met syafiq before heading back to amk...We then took photos of the car and attracted a whole hell lot of attention!LOL...hahaha...A car like that is an attention seeker!After that, syafiq headed off...As i went up the stairs, i still can hear syafiq driving the car away...U can imagine how LOUD it was!!!Hahaha...
When i entered my house, i found figo waiting for me patiently...Poor doggy!!Hahaha,coz i left without saying bye or sayang him...After that we watched my Sassy Girl movie and went off for dinner in amk hub...After that i sent her home before heading back home...
The Beng Civic!

D16Z6 engine with open pod air filter with 3 way strut bars

Thats how low the car is!

I simply love the bucket seats, the MoMo steering wheel and the short shifter!

Diane and Me!:)