Thursday, May 29, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Hey guys...I have been driving to school these few days in my mum's car and was slowly getting used to the car...Anyways, congrats to wyd who got his license last sat!hahaha...Well done!!Welcome to the driver's club!!!hahaha...Anyways, these few days have been quite okay for me...I am trying my best to change my mood and concentration span to the best so i can pay full attention in class for my lectures...I got an F for proteomics test and i got an A for MBID test...Heaven and Hell...I guess i better pull up my socks liao...After quitting gaming for 4 days, i am slowly trying to fill my life up with work and projects...But there is something missing...i dunno what it is but perhaps its something that i lost hope in?Hope in myself? or hope in something else?I seriously cannot answer myself...
For something that you said,
For something that you do,
It made me go OoooOOo,
So near yet so far,
Emotions kept in a jar,
Expressed but u did not get this,
How long will it take for this to get noticed?
A smile with a story behind it,
Will we ever get to meet?
I often asked myself will that ever happen,
I guess its up to God's decision.
On the music and relax,
As i slowly lie down and rest,
The thought of you juz comes into my mind,
That part of you will I ever get to find?
Life's short so live it to the fullest,
Cherish the ones who cares for you first,
Looking at you from a corner,
I hope you know that u're the one i am after...
Friday, May 23, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Sup guys,
I drove the CIVIC this morning with Syafiq beside me....OMG, i tell u ah, its so F*cking loud i scared the shit out of some people...I drove out of the SCL side entrance and drove to the yck mrt U-turn there...During that time i hit VTEC a few times...I tell u ah, GAYNESS...It was serious SHOIK!!!! As i made the U-turn, i drove slowly then when the car going to straight liao i hit the accelerator and hit VTEC all the way to the redline...And during that time i scared 2 girls away...LOL..Evil me...Hahahaha...Sorry, VTEC is too addictive!!
After that lunch, syafiq,me,ah jun, hafiz and min feng went for lunch...As we were approaching the car park, i could hear the CIVIC...It was that loud...And, as we approach the lot, syafiq speed off and braked juz before the car run me over!!!Hahaha...After that, we went to the petrol station and then from there, i drove the car back...Hahaha...Hit VTEC a few times, did my first wheelspin!!!After that we went to makan and syafiq headed to the mosque...We then went back to school after our lunch...So thats all!!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I pass my TP!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Hahaha...Okay, enough of that...I passed on the dot of 18!!!Also, luckily my examiner was quite lenient...So when i finished my test, i thought i have failed, so i was like scolding myself while i walked up to the examiner discussion area where my examiner explained what i had done wrongly...I was still praying that i have a possibility i can pass can i peep the paper...And when he ticked the box which i had passed, i was YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!All the hard work and $$ worth it!!!I think i spent less than 1K on driving lah...Hahaha...SI bei SONG!!!Hahahah...okay, so after that, i called wyd who so kindly sent me as sms before my test to do my best and believed that i could passed...How sweet of wyd right??hahaha...After that i then call my mum, telling her my results and she was happy for me as well....Lastly, i called val and diane as these 2 people have been wishing me alot for the TP...Before i forget, i would like to thank Hazwan and Syafiq for the talk the night before my TP and Syafiq for hanging out the keys to the civic!!hahahaa...So i would like to thank all of YOU who have wished me luck and Jia You me over the past few days...Lastly, i would like to thank my instructor Jeffery for his guidance and a whole lot of patience for teaching me how to do half-clutch to reverse to circuit to pointing out my stupid mistakes up front...Without his patience and guidance, i doubt i would be even where i am now...So i THANK ALL OF YOU!!!! :0D
After applying for my driving license, i called my mum to fetch me home to get my PCT notes and bag after that,i rushed to school for the lecture...After the lecture, i smsed syafiq as he said he would be picking me up...So, i ended up walking with candice to the Yio Chu Kang Mrt station passenger alighting point, as her dad was picking her up from there...So we chatted and talked...It was until when i heard the engine reviving from a distant away did i then realise that WAS THE CIVIC!!!!Hahaha...Then, he revved to red line when he entered the area...Hahaha, it was damn F*cking loud!!!Then i bid farewell to candice and syafiq drove out...On the way home, he hit VTEC a couple of times and the feeling rocks like siao...The adrenline rush and the wind to ur face...Awesome!!!Hahaha...After that syqfiq dropping me off my house there before reviving again making a group of young punks shut up from one corner...They were like shocked and hysterical after what syafiq did...Hahahha..It was damn funny...So thats all folks!!!

My Result Slip!

MBID Top Secret Assignment!

My most gay hairstyle up to date...My hair can tie curry puff!!LOL

Ya Mon and Me!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Hey hey!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sup people!!My day was alright today with the exception that someone came and entertained my dog!Hahaha...Its none other than dog-lover Diane...She came by my house to play with figo and took like a ton of pics of my dog!! Eh, got copyright leh...Must pay money liao!!hahaha...LOL...Anyway, Diane is attached and its not to me (obviously), so please dun let ur mind wonder off ya?Hahaha..U KNOW who U PEOPLE are!Hahahaha...Anyways, my dad going to Thailand and then to China again for the last time...After that, he will be permently back in Singapore!!:D
Below are the pictures!
Figo, stop winking at Diane, if not no more BALL BALL!!!Hahaha...LOL..

Take one more photo and i will bite it off ur hand!!
I love this pic the best, the natural shadow effect!
The "shy" Diane! (Ya "shy" my foot!LOL!)
Diane said she look neater like this compared to Pasta Mania!
Diane and Me (I look damn boy boy lah!)

Was i suppose to look retarded or what?LOL

I like this fading effect!! Only possible with K-series Phones...My phone cant do this!!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Updating in process!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Hey people...Juz an update...Last week we juz finish our SFG and Proteomics quiz! I think for SFG i could at least get a B while Proteomics i think if i pass i happy liao...Hahaha...Anyway, on friday i went to watch Harold and Kumar 2 : Escape to Guantanamo Bay with Diane! The movie is rubbish and did i mention racists?Hahahha...But its awfully funny and down-right crappy!!!After the movie we went to Pasta Mania to makan dinner!Btw, Diane, i did not u can eat so much chilli!Hahaha...And today, Jun Jie, Andre and I went to darren house to settle the Bioprocess Design Project! So we at least settled the work distribution and what to do, so at least something is better than nothing!!Hahaha...After that, Ah Guan came and we went to dinner at chomp chomp and ordered a whole lot of hot-spicy-shoik-yet-filling food...So here it goes, we order 2 large sambal sting ray with rice, 1 plate of fried hokkien mee, 1 plate of fried oyster with egg, 1 plate of fried kway tiao, yes i know its not quay, its kway, thanks for the reminder...LOL...U know who u are!!After that for desert, we went to ICE^3 for ice-cream!!!!Hahaha, i order a chocolate chip ice cream + M&Ms + Oero+ Chocolate stick!!!Hahaha...Awfully sinful yet filling!!!Hahhaah...After that, we went walking around, and i spot a few modded cars on the way to the bus stop!!Hahaha...Okie dokie, the picture are below!

That my usual ham and sausage baked rice!

Thats me! (obviously...)
Thats Diane!

Thats my ice-cream + 3 toppings + my test tube shot of Baileys!

Its seriously a test tube!!!Brown ppt with alcohol content!!LOL
Darren, Me, Alvin!

Okay,i look damn beng in this...Hahaha...
Thats my pals for the dinner session!!

Finishing my 1 shot of Baileys...
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Time passes so quickly!!
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Hey people!!My sunday today was quite alright and slacky...Hahaha...I slept until 3 plus today, so all i can say is shoik ah!!For the past 2 weeks, i have been gyming at least 2 times a week and running to prepare for my NAPFA which is coming soon...Hahahaha...My favourite training is on sat with darren..The machines there rock lah!!Even though i have only been there 2 times and have only gymed for the past 2 weeks, my abs and my cutting for my muscles somewhat came out liao...Hahahaa....I love my 6 packs, let me go for 8s!!!:D:D:D But first, i need to run!!!Fats covering them!!Hahaha...Anyway, i juz wana get gold for my NAPFA, i know i can do it but i need the mental strength to overcome it!!Hahaha...
There are somethings which i wish would be possible for me to do now, but it had passed, so what i can do now is give it my best and hope for the best...
All i hope is that i manage to get to aus for my overseas attachment...That would be the wish i hope for this year!
想看着你, 我爱的脸,