Saturday, April 26, 2008
A short post!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Anyway, it will be a short post as i am lazy to blog these few days... So here it goes....School this week is rather sian...Boring and not interesting, apart from the Essentials of Business Management...Hahaha...Anyway, was doing some reflection juz now on some personal stuff and i ended up with this short poem?Hahaha...So please bear with me if it sucks...Here it goes..
Whoever she is,
Whatever situation it might be in,
Whenever I might meet her,
Wherever she might be,
I shall just leave things as it is,
Without regrets and doubts,
Letting fate & destiny take care of the rest,
I have my mustangs,
I have my good friends,
I have my buddy,
And they are all that I need now…
We all have the same script,
Its just that the cast is different...
-Quoted by Wyd-
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
An exciting week?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Hey guys...I am here to update bout my past 1 week of school...So yea, here it goes...
Monday, while i was on the train to yio chu kang, i saw this black car that caught my attention...Upon further looking,it was a freaking Nissan GTR35 in our school!!!!Holy F*ck!!!Thats a 280k car mind u...Hahhaa....So i ignored it for the rest of the day...On my way back, i saw it exactly at its position, and i took a few photos of it...The total look of it is really nicely done...
The rest of my days are normal and the same...other than someone who keep disappearing without telling the any of us when that SOMEONE left...Hmmm, i wonder where he go....OoOOOOOOOOoooOo...I dun wana know too much...too much=more trouble!Hahaha...The lesser things i know, the better!!hahahah....
Anyway, Hafiz,Wyd,Darren,Ah Guan,Cai Yu,Wilson,Andre,Val and Me went to watch Forbidden Kingdom after our friday lessons at AMK Hub!!!!Hahaha...So we went to collect the tickets i booked online followed by dinner...After that valene came and the whole lot of us went to watch the movie!!The movie story was quite predictable but the fighting scences by Jackie Chan and Jet Li was amazing..Despite their age, their fights are so darn fast lah!hahaha...POWER...The next thing, Liu Yi Fei!!!She looked so young inside?Hahaha...And there were times when i keep looking at Wyd, checking if he is drooling...Darren said Wyd will dream of HER in HIS dreams...Hahahaha...
Wyd, dun deny,i know u wana kiss HER!!Hahaha...LOL...
The following day, Ah Guan, Valene, Cai Yu, Wilson and Me met at AMK hub to go to Val's house to play majong...I am playing with pros sia...Especially Cai Yu aka "Silent Killer" quoted by Andrew last time!!!Hahahaha....She win like mad lah...After the game,the rest of us other than Val went to AMK central to makan...Hahaha...After that we went to play Cs and DOTA!!Hahaha...Damn fun sia, Cs so long never play liao...Hahahaha...
Okay, talking bout today,i was driving along ubi on the way to hougang...Guess what happen??I saw this sports care behind my rear view mirror...I thought it was some SLK merz until it overtook me on the left with that ROAR on that V6 Twin Turbo that left me stun...It was a Nissan GTR 35....I was left dumb founded....Its acceleration and sound was indescribable!!!!!I would be happy if i had an EG6/9 or an EK4/9...Hahahaha....I dun really yearn for turbo cars at the moment...A high reving 1.6L VTEC with B16s would be more than enough...Hahahaha...OKAY,i know enough bout cars....Anyway, below is the pic of the skyline GTR35 which i took!!:
Thats what i call a Nissan GTR35 aka godzilla aka Lambos and Ferraris worse NIGHTMARE!!!

The sport rims are 19/20'' btw, the yellow thing u see there is as big as ur dad's 15" rims!
The signature twin backlights on the skyline since the R32...Check out the Quad Exhausts!!!:D
OoOOOOO,not bad, you found ME!
So, i shall tell you...
bout something i never told anyone...
Seriously ah, are secret messages so fun???LOL...Hahaha...
To Wyd: Stop disappearing out of the blue lah!!!LOL...
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Eh Eh Eh...Hahaha...I shall do a last update on the last day for the semester holidays!!! Tmr starting school liao...ZzzzzzZ
I shall start with Zouk followed by MUSTANG BBQ!!
So, we met at orchard mrt control station at 8.30pm before heading off to Zouk!!So as usual, i was EARLY as long as it is not in the morning!!Hahaha...Anyway, coming back,I met ah guan at the mrt control station, followed by seeing sadha, then aug, then vic, then that DARREN!!Late for 30 mins!!!hahahaa...Nvm lah...I was late for 1 hr when meeting them in habour front!!LOL...
So we made our way to the bus stop and took 16 to Zouk...The rest went to go buy their ticket while i entered for free!!!:D Its ladies night so vic have free entry (No, i did not dress up as a girl) and we went in first...When we reached inside phuture, it was empty as usual coz we were there f*cking early because we dun wana queeue!!So we went out of Zouk...Me, ah guan and sadha went to the Macs at Great World to have a light dinner (I have eaten already but i wana eat somemore!!) On our way back, we saw vic and aug walking towards us telling me that sindy was near Great World, so we followed...We met her then we headed back into Zouk...When we went up to phuture, to find it starting to get packed...Mind u, its only 10.30pm when we went back...So we grabbed a seat and ordered drinks...This time i let the others drink first...Hahaha...Lesson learnt!!Hahaha....The real music start only at around 11!!hahaha...I love the music lah...So we were dancing and dancing drinking and parting the night away!!Hahah...Some of us got high with alcohol, some of us got high because of the music and atmosphere!!!!Hahaha...So we partied all the way until 4am when phuture offically closed!!We then made our way to the nearest 24hrs coffee shop to get some drinks...After that we parted with the rest leaving ah guan,sadha,sindy and me...So we navigate around for bus stops to see if we were heading the right way...Hahaha...The process was so hilarious lah!!Hahaha..Got platoon commander, got scout!!Hahaha..And of course, i was sweating like mad!!!And finally, we had it to Orchard Road!!hahha...It was really empty coz it was like 5.15am there!!hahaha...I wanted to take a pic of me right in the middle of the junction but there were a few cars here and there, so i dropped the idea....We went to 7-11 to get some drinks as we were all so thirsty...After that we continue to make out way to the mrt station at somerset...We took the train to marina bay since sadha was going to dhoby ghaut...So after sadha left,ah guan, sindy and me were talking bout poly stuff...As we passed by city hall, i saw students, people going to work boarding the train...And we were saying we were so lucky to be having holidays and clubbing while people are studying and working!!Hahaha...So sindy and i alighted at amk coz she was meeting ong for breakfast at S-11 while i head home...When i reached home, i quickly bathe and got myself to bed quickly as i was quite tired...I slept at 6 plus and woke up at 11 or 12 plus...Anyway, below are the pictures we took in Zouk!!

Half of the Clubbing Kaki!!

We we planning for this pic until this drunk joker came into the pic before falling on to the floor!

Anthony,Darren,Sadha,Sindy,Me, Ah Guan

Thats US partying in the last PARTY before Sem starts!!
Sindy and Me!

It was this bright before i slept!!
Okay, next, MUSTANG gather + vic birthday!!
I went to vic's house with valene and wyd to be greeted by ah jun and vic...OoooOOoOo...
Anyway, we waited for vic's dad to arrive before we could start the bbq as he had the pit and the charcoal... After not too long, the whole gang arrived while we were still waiting for vic's dad...The fire finally got started around 6 plus around 7 and the otah were the first the be wiped out!!!Hahaha...Then everyone was eating, chatting while some were inside the house playing dai dee...As for me, i was busy eating!!!Hahhaa..I was so darn hungry!!After that, around 8 plus, the vodka finally was taken out from my bag and the mixing begin...Hahaha...There were pics of us drinking and partying...Hahaha...The crowd then began to leave one by one until finally left the few of us...Us=Ah guan,Fuji,TM,darren,me
We then played Twister!!Hahaha...I haven played that game since i was 4/5 i guess...Hahaha...It was fun and funny sia!!Hahaha...Pictures shall be self-explanatory!!Hahaha...
What to do?Fire needs to be started!!
Can u spot me??
The Dai Dee gang!!Hahaha..
Suan, Ah Guan,Me, Teck Boon and Darren!!
A flower among the thorns???LOL
Darren is HIGH!!Hahaha
Darren, Teck Boon, TM, Ah Guan, Me!
The most outstanding hand among the hands and satays!
Darren and Me!!
Darren, I mean Darren Ass SMILE to the camera!!!
Darren in a very bad position!

TM-Super Model or Super Hot??

The birthday cake MUSTANG WAY!!

This might sound wrong but i gonna eat myself!!LOL..

YUM AH!!!!
MUSTANGS-See u guys in school!!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
FO,OGLs Outing and Beach outing!!
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Hey hey *imitates Jacky Wu* (Sorry marlene i thought he was ur dad!LOL...)
Sorry for the lack of updates...Well, i was busy with FO and preparations like dry run, training etc...So lets see...I shall begin with FO followed by the MUSTANGS outing followed by beach outing yesterday...
So lets get the ball rolling before someone complains again for being lazy to update...YES, Its U!LOL..
Okay,FO was a HUGE BANG thanks to all of the efforts from the OGLs,Excos and the Game Masters!!I would like to comment especially for the OGLs...MUSTANGS, u guys put in alot of effort and hard work during the OGL training itself, during dry run and especially FO...So from the bottom of my heart, i would like to thank all of u for ur hard work and dedication and making this 2nd and last FO of mine a BLAST and a SUCCESS!!!!Hahaha...
So, lets get down to the details...I was the KING this year for the MUSTANGS!!!Last year was FIT as KING for the SPARTANS!!!!So, i was pretty stressed over it as i have to uphold the bar set by FIT and the SPARTANS as i was one of them too!Hahaha...Valene,Wyd, the year 2s Ogls and I stayed back after one of the bonding sessions for the Ogl training to discuss bout the MUSTANGS bonding...We were pretty worried that the UNITY wont be there/not enough for FO...
However, everything came out FINE and a BLAST!!!!We totally ROCKED FO MAN!!!!WOOOOOOOOOO...If someone were to ask me which i would prefer, SPARTANS OR MUSTANGS, i would say both are seriously equally good!!!But because i was the KING for MUSTANGS, i go with MUSTANGS!!!!!SPARTANS are known for our UNITY and UNITED SPIRIT and ONE VOICE, but MUSTANGS are known for our TEAM WORK and CRAZY and LOUD Ogls!!MUSTANGS can make the FO really really really high compared to SPARTANS!!But i feel both have their Good and their Best! =)
Basically, i introduced myself and Aida to each and everyone when they came to the class...It was pretty easy to spot the shy ones and the more outspoken ones...And i was scolded for saying one of my freshies name wrongly...Her name was Diane and how do u pronounce it? Dai-An-Ne?
WONG...Its Dai-An...Hahaha...I was like shocked lah..I was not angry but rather surprised...And followed by the rest of MB 0802 who came in...When we brought them in, they were totally quiet other than the few who talked to each other after i "forced" them to introduce one another while waiting to go into the auditorium...After the long talk and intro this and that, blah blah blah, Aida and I brought out group out to the audi to do ice breaker!!!And no hafiz, i did not make the ice break using a sledge hammer, but rather i used my brains to make sure the job get done!!
Ice breaker was quiet as usual but after not long, everyone was pretty "warmed-up" and they started forming their own clicks...However, there were some that were totally quiet and refused to talk to one another despite our encouragement...After that we went for lunch at Macs...After that we have to report back to the atrium...When we were taking attendance we discovered that 2 people were missing...After all that, we brought them to meet their mentor...And after that they had C.S.I and telematch...My group at the end of the day really bonded well and they were alot louder after the games...To be honest, my group this year was ALOT better than my OG group last year...Perhaps its the way how different people in different groups respond and the OGL partners...My partner Aida was so crazy and siao such that when i wana doze off already she slaps me to wake up!Also, she can handle the group alone at times and our communications were so much better (sad to say) compared with my partner last year...
The 2nd day of FO was the most fun!!We had our OGL rehearsals and stuff like that...And i woke up late or should i say overslept for 1 hr before victoria called me to wake up!!hahaha...Valene forgot to call me and my alarms did not work coz i was sleeping like a dead dog...Anyway, i cab-bed down luckily to find that not all the freshies were there!!hahaha...So when the time was up, we brought them to the lecture hall which is LT-S2 and the lecturers began their talk on electives etc...After an hour of it, we did a school tour and the usual stuff...After that was lunch and they had to discussed bout their skit....We finally brought them to the Block P tutorial rooms for them to rehearse their skits and stuff while i wrote down our contact numbers for them to contact us...After that all the MUSTANGS rushed up to lvl 7 to change to the MUSTANG shirt and headed to the auditorium to do a full rehearsal...After that,Valene told us to go back to pick the freshies up to bring them to the auditorium...So we brought them back, chit chat with them regarding their skit...And row by row, the freshies entered and one by one each group went up the stage to perform..Even though my group did not finish the skit in time, i was pretty proud of them of able to come out with a skit and rehearse a skit in like less than 45 mins...Lastly, it was the MUSTANGS performance!!!Augustine totally shined in that performance as being the main character acting as the Kurang Guni!!Hahaha...I also did performed as one of the Kurang Guni, one of the dancers for the Balloon Dance and Lastly, as L to give the death note book to Aug before he really "dies"...So thats its for the FO!!!
Below are the photos for FO!!

I am shy when i have my crown on...LOL

Aida and Me

Victoria and Me

The KING and Valene



MUSTANG-2nd Day of FO!!
My OG Group- MB0802! (They ROCKED my FO too!!)
Okay, Next up is.....MUSTANGS OUTING!!!!
So basically we met at somerset control station at 3pm...Some was late but not for long...After that, we made our way to ceni, only to find out the movie listing there sucked...So we made our way down to The Cathay...When we reached there, i was sweating like a mad man!!!Hahaha...Thank God for the air con!!So we went to get the movie tickets only to realise that one of the movie we wanted to watched is out only on the 9th...So we watched the move "Untraceable"...Valene and marlene was sitting beside me and there were like scared for most of the time in the movie, while the guys were like yawning like nobody's business...Its not scary...Juz thrilling?Hahaha...LOL...So after the movie we went to Fish & Co. to eat our dinner!!The picture below shall explain what happen during the dinner!!

In the lift!
The Year 2s- Aug and Suan never change....Hahaha
Alvin's gay pattern finally captured in photo!
Fish and Co.!!

Wyd, Valene, Me

Valene dun shy lah!
SMILE at the camera!

Outside Glass House!
So thats it with MUSTANGS Outing...Next up, Sentosa!
So we were suppose to meet at like 10am at habour front mrt control station and i overslept!!I actually woke up at 8.30am...Then i got lazy and walked to my dad's room and slept again...End up i left my house at 10am...LOL...Then i took a train down to habourfront...I feel so bad sia...Everyone waiting for me...Hahaha..So we made our way to the hawker centre to have our brunch...After that, we took the bus to sentosa and went to siloso beach!!The weather at first was great but after a couple of hours in the sun, it started getting cloudy and streaks of thunder were seen in the heavy dusky clouds!(OMG, sound like writing compo..)So, we have no choice but to leave due to the drizzle which becomes a heavy rain!!So our outing was practically ruin due to the weather...We then made our way to Subway to have our high tea...Hahaha...I was starving but with only 5 bucks in my wallet...So i shared a 1 ft sandwich with kelvin...We chatted and talking alot of rubbish while eating...I almost puked when they were talking bout "whos the mum!"Hahaha..It was so hilarious!!After that, we made our way back to the beach before leaving off...The pictures will speak for itself!!
Kelvin, Alvin, Me,Ah Guan,Darren, Andre

By the Beach!!
Darren and Me!