Hey people!
Sorry for the inconsistent blogging!Hahaha...I was waiting for the immunology poster pictures to be sent before i blog...
So basically last wed,23/1/2008, we had our poster presentation or rather like Wyd put it, DOTIP (Defense Of The Immunology Poster). So basically, we were all dressed in our formal presentation attire but we present to the lecturers when they pass by our immuno poster area...It was really weird because we do not know who our graders were...So u can imagine how frustrating it was not to know our graders...Anyway, nic and wyd tackled AK's (Not the gun please...He is our immunology lecturer) very well...They managed to answer his question with relation to our poster...And....We got an A!!!!WOOOOooOooOoOoOoOO!!Hahaa...Wyd was telling us how "zai" his poster was but that was the thing that got us marked down..Wyd if ur reading this, U Turn the Lecturers off!!Hahaha...LOl...Hahaha....
Anyway, we took alot of pictures which u will see later as u scroll down...Hahha...If i am not wrong a few days back, i saw gwen's IT project "About Me" video and it was really really good!!Eh,dun laugh until like that...Wyd,Min Feng,Hafiz and U baka!!I know u laughing when u read that...Getting back to the story, her video or rather pictures with the music really combine very well together and the flow of the video was juz nice!!So out of 10, i gonna rate it 9.5/10...Hahha...
Okay, get back to school stuff...These few days or rather past 1 week, i have been playing games non-stop...So i made a decision today...No more gaming until the end of exams...I need to get my school work back in shape and also start my revision for the exams...It takes alot of determintion to study for this sem exams...Try 7 modules and revising each of them is like really sian lor...But, on the bright side, i wana end the exams with at least a pass for all the modules as i wana go for my OIPP!!!I juz hope i can get in UWA in perth if not i dun mind UOS also...Anyway, let me get over the exams first...
Anyway, today during evening, i went to TTSH to see my cousin sis who did her biopsy earlier in the day...She is alright now and i hope she will get better....
Others can wait, i need to get my revision going...Enjoy the pics!
DOTIP (Defense Of The Immunology Poster) I8,
S.aureus evasion mechanism

The gang of people i hang out with...MB 060 1/2

Guan, Me and Alvin

MB 0602!!!

The guys of MB 0602

My 2 good buddies in school, Darren, Me and Hafiz
My Group Mates: Wyd, Me, Future CEO Nic, Immanuel