Monday, December 31, 2007
A New Year in 1 hrs time...
Monday, December 31, 2007
Hey people...I am back blogging...I did not update during the christmas as i felt there was no need to as i did not go anywhere or do any celebrations...If u feel sad for me, well all i can say is that i appreciate ur thoughts and thank you....Okay, 26th Dec, Boxing Day, i went to the movies with Hafiz,Immanuel and Wyd to watch National Treasure 2...We went to Lido to watch and it has been sometime since i went there to watch a movie...If ur thinking "This guy sometime at most few weeks or few months", trust me, ur wrong...I haven been there for few years...Reason being it brings back unwanted memories and also the place do not have arcarde or anything like that...So i seldom go there, End of Story...Next,today, it being the last month, last day and the last hour of the year...Wow,i cant believe i juz said that...Hahahaa...I shall share my resolutions with u all...As some of ur are interested in knowing...Well u see, i have been doing some thinking lately, this explains for the the lack of posts...Well, here is the Past,Present,FutureResolutions of 2006:1. To offically go clubbing (Done)2. To learn driving (Done)3. To learn something new (Done)4. To meet the right girl5. To get my gold medal for 33rd National Taekwondo Championships (Done)Reflections for this year:1. I hit 182. I went to zouk3. I got drunk at zouk4. I puked at zouk5. I learnt to drive6. I went 70km/h for the first time7. I met a couple of new friends8. I know my friends who got attached to my friends (The Hamster and the Kerang, YES 2 of u!)9. I was thinking when i will get attached10. I wana know her better =)My resolutions for 2008:1. I wana do well or maintain my grades2. I wana go to Aus to do my attachment3. My airforce pilot form to be successfully accepted3. I wana get my license4. Everyone i know is safe, healthy and happy5. I wana get my body back in shape6. Let Fate and Destiny and God's will to guide and direct me what i have to do7 . Lastly, waiting for the right opportunity (A big ?)Lastly, to wrap up these last few minutes of the year, Iwould like to wish all the newly couples 长长久久 and the all the singles out there to enjoy ur singlehood!!Dun worry, there is someone out there who is out looking for u if ur doing the same thing!!Happy new year and piss out!Woops, i mean PEACE OUT!Happy New Year Everyone!!!Shang-Feng aka Snap Freezer, I.C.E Man signing out!31/12/2007,11.59PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
Yo! I am BACK!!!! Anyone Miss ME???
Friday, December 21, 2007
Hey hey, i am back!!!Hahaha...First of all to all my loyal blog reading friends out there, i am sorry for not blogging for the past week as i was busy with gaming and going out with my friends!!:) So i apologise to all my readers out there...Hahaha...Basically, today i went to k-box with Hafiz,Min Feng and Gwen...Had a great time, singing,chatting,jee siaoing... Hahaha...Lol... After that,we went to wheelock place to pack Gwen's christmas present for her friend...After that Hafiz and Min Feng left, leaving me with Gwen...Since Gwen wanted to go to Taka to meet her friend to buy christmas present for her other friends, i followed...After much finding and looking,she bought a dress...After that we went for dinner in the food court...The entire food court is packed with people and it tooked us like 5 mins to get a table...Gwen said she was full earlier on,so i went to buy my dinner...While waiting in the queeue, i saw my sec school friend...From a skinny boy to a guy with good physique...Hahha,guess i better start working out...Hahaha....Talked awhile with him and bit him farewell after his food was served...I waited for my food and i went back to the table...Gwen was patiently waiting,i would like to say thanks to her for waiting that long...Hahaha...She went to buy drinks after that...She got my sugar cane which manage to quench my dry throat...Hahhaa...After that,we went to the mrt station and board the train...We talked on the way and i got to know her better on the way home...Hahah...Well i guess thats all for this post...Until then...Anyway, here are the pics of K-Box:-
Hafiz,Min Feng and Gwen
The Unknown Singer-Gwen *Camera Shy*
Gwen and Me!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Had a little time...
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Been some time...
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Hello everyone!!I know it has been sometime since i last blog...A quick update.This week lessons have been extremely boring but i am trying my best to concentrate and study as common test is on the week after next...My bro is back from the auzzie land!!!Hahaha...I love his stylo hair sia...LOl...He bought for me a Vodka Peach (its not free, i have to pay him...). My bro decided to come back earlier so he only told me and my cousin...So he gave a later date to my mum, as he wanted to give my mum and his gf a surprised (my acting skills have improved...Despite my mum questioning).So this means we did not go to changi to pick him up...So we met at the mama shop downstairs...At first when my mum first saw the luggage, she was thinking that it was my dad who came back...As she came closer, to her surprise it was my bro!!haaha...The situation at that time was damn funny lah, especially my mums's expression...Hahah...Damn funny lah...Lets talk bout today....I went down to nyp stadium today to cheer on Joga Bonitos in their soccer match as well as to settle the class T-shirt problem with Hafiz...Lets hope that the boss allow us to change the design of the T-shirt....Anyway, reached there, saw hafiz, min feng and syafiq there...I stoned for a while and started to study for my FTT which is on tuesday...I am praying real hard that i can pass so that i can go book my TP date!!!I need to get my license quick!!!Hahaha...To the main point, settle the problem with hafiz and darren...Then it was Joga Bonitos first match whereby they won...After that, i read my immunology notes as common test is round the corner...Hafiz and Ming then started the usual talking...Then all of a sudden min feng say she will come as i turned my head to the tennis court...i was like (-______________________-).... Not long after, the second match for Joga Bonitos started...However, they lost in this match due to the kayu refree...Really stupid lah the refree..The guys came back, rested then the whole lot of us went to the hockey pitch to kick some friendly soccer...As we were there, min feng and hafiz was approaching the tennis court and hafiz gave me the jee siaoing look...Min feng was then talking to gwen...After that, i went down and said hi to her...Is there a problem even saying hi???loL...Lets move on next,firstly, i haven not played soccer for like a decade, YES A DECADE,so i wanted to be the goal keeper as i totally suck at shooting...After a few goals here and there, i passed the ball to the wrong person...LOL....As we moved on, i change sides with Teck Boon and continued as keeper for a few rounds...After that, i realise that min feng with gwen!LOl...hahaa...Then i switched position to be in the centre mid...I totally suck at soccer lah...Hahaha....After around 10 goals, we stopped and took a break....I went up to my bag where min feng, gwen and alvin were...On the way there, min feng said that i was her student for majong during the chalet and i realised that she advised me such that i won $10+ during the chalet...LOL...Hahaha...So after that, i was obviously thirsty so i drank my water and clean my sweat...Then, i saw hafiz took out his vio which was the same colour and model as erm i n ..f...Hahaha...Hafiz then gave me that scheming bastard look and said "Shang-Feng, u wana die ah???"hahahaa...Not long after, gwen left and we (alvin,hafiz,min feng) went to get 100 Plus for the guys...When we went there, our bags were carried to the grandstand closer to where the rest were playing for obvious reasons...I stoned and lean on the steaming bags which was so freaking hot...However, after a while, the bags did not feel as hot and i continued stoning...Then the trouble started...Min Feng and hafiz were looking at my rings and i showed them my rings...In particular, the Kenji with the G design...Not thinking further, i passed them my rings before realising they are gonna create trouble for me...Firstly, the Kenji G design ring was a ring that i bought in sec 4, so dun think so much...Those whose scheming brain start associating the ring with someone,its not like what u have thought alright...Its just a coincidence!After that, the whole lot of us except sadha, darren and ram went to bishan junction 8 for long john's silver...I haven ate that for years sia...Then we head for the movie to check the time slots for hitman, but end up dun have the suitable time for us...So, we went to the arcarde and as usual,i play my maximum tune...Turned out, i saved $2 coz some nice guy forgot to press the accelerator pedal to start the game...LOL....After the gaming, we decided to go home and we ended up watching Pearl Habour at Best Denki for like 20 mins or more?After that, we left and i waited for my mum to pick me up...We then went to the hospital to see my cousin...We then went to woodlands for dinner with my other cousins who were at the hospital visiting...After that, we headed home...I am so darn shagged and i missed my Jacky Wu guess guess guess!!!See ya guys...Til next time...