Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Totally Pissed off....
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I was suppose to have my driving today at 4.30pm today but end up i missed it...Reason being my fucking handphone went out of batt without me knowing and the person i told to wake me up did a fucked up job...Its really a fucked up situation...If someone tells u to wake them up and u promised to wake them up, u better jolly well do what u had promised, as they have place their trust on U. And also make sure that U do the job Completely,dun do the job half past nine... This is because the responsibility is fucking yours lah dammit...I really cannnot tolerate people who is like that...U might have woken the person up but make sure that the person is on his feet walking...Unless u guys wana tell me waking up a person is juz tell him/her "eh wake up" then leave the room without caring whether he/she is awake...I seriously got so pissed juz now...and i do mean it when i am angry...I fucking miss my driving this week dammit, thanks to U...I also feel that partly is my problem because i did not check whether my handphone got batt or not...But when i miss something i like doing because of irresponsibility regardless whether is it mine or others, I will get get frustrated and trust me,u seriously would not like to see that...Lesson learned : Dun trust people who does work with little/no responsibility and check ur handphone for battery life if u have to take a nap and wake up later...I dun believe in swearing vulgarities when ur angry but this is really a matter that i cannot tolerate...For those of you who know my love for cars/driving, you will understand why i am saying all of these...For those who dun, learnt from my idoitic mistake...And if u are an irresponsible person reading this, start being responsible before u learn the hard way...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Some thoughts...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Hey people...Been busy this week with less than 5 hours of sleep a day since monday due to the stupid DROSOPHILA e practical...Like what wyd said, i think there will be ALOT of fatality of flies temporarily...Haha...Anyway, enough about school...Been doing some thinking of what nic said...This is not against anyone or whatever, its juz what i thought bout...Nic said girls who are pretty might not have the character and girls who have the character might not be pretty...But i was thinking, why not in between?Haha..Easier said than done right?hahaa...My mum also gave me an analogy...A beautiful pretty flower without substance (character wise) will age one day and will no longer be beautiful and pretty and with without substance (character wise)...However, a simple, normal looking flower might not be that beautiful or pretty like the other flower but have a good character.One day if it ages, it might no longer be looking as good, but it still retains its substance (character wise). Then i realised my mum actually made sense...Haha...Trust me or not, my mum and I are close like brother and sisters, apart from her constant nagging at times...LOL....
The guys have been jee siaoing me with u know who when they have the chance and i somehow gotten immune to it...All i have to say its only time will tell and whether should the action been taken...Wyd, dun say so much ah...Later ur turn...Hahhaa...But i feel that there is 1 thing that remains true all the while, Observation is the most powerful tool a person can have(copyright by me)...This is because all the character, flaws, good points can be seen as u observe further...I noticed this as i continued with my poly life...Looks can be decieving and never judge a person juz base on his/her looks...The character is the thing that makes a person shine or make a person show his/her unlikable character...I would say observe,listen and then decide...If its meant to be, it will be...But if its not meant to be, so be it...Take things in ur stride...
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sup people!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Wooooo.....The Wildest Night Out!!!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Hello everyone!!!I had one of the crazest night i had in my life on friday!Anyways,i will be splitting this blog entry into 2 parts...1st is darren's party at Zouk on friday and 2nd, Singapore Super Import Nights yesterday...
Okay, here it goes...So basically we were suppose to meet at orchard mrt at 8.30...End up Cai Yu and I were there earlier than the rest...We= Nic,Sadha,Darren,Immanuel,Cai Yu,Alvin and Me. End up they came around 8.50+ going to 9pm...The reason why we are going so earlier is to save cash...Before 10pm pay 15 + no need to queue. After 10pm= 23/25 based on gender + long long queue. We took the charted bus to great world city and then we walk to zouk from there...When we reached zouk,we saw the queue and i was like WTF,knn long...End up those people are waiting for friends or waiting for 9.30pm entrance...End up we jump queue and entered first...All of us went to the regular entrance other than nic...someone got special treatment sia...Shall not elaborate on that...We entered the entrance then paid then was "chopped" with a GFP...LOL....No lah...We were "chopped" with some neon ink which glows in the dark which ensures that we have passed inspection...When we wanted to enter zouk, we realised that Zouk main hall cannot go in as there is event inside...So have to wait until 11pm then can go in...So we end up going to Phuture and were shocked to see all the seats were reserved...One simple reason, put there for fun one...Not long after, Jun Jie called and we went down...Btw,Jun Jie joined us later, thats all...When we went down, the queue was insane...Super Long! We end up going inside first and find a place to seat and nua...After Jun Jie came up and we ordered the jugs of house pour...1st was vodka orange and vodka lime...I still prefer orange as it tastes ALOT better...Haha...Then after that the music started coming in, so were the crowds...At 11pm, nic, alvin,darren and I went to Zouk main hall to see how it is...End up its robo- dance, which is like......not my type....So we end up leaving and going back into Phuture...Next, it being happy hour, we decided to start ordering drinks...So i got 1 jug of barcardi coke and it being happy hour,i got another one free...End up 1 jug Sadha and I 1 shot finish, while the rest try out the barcardi coke...I would say the barcardi coke tasted strong but nice..After that, nic and immanuel have to left so end up with Sadha,Jun Jie,Darren,Cai Yu,Alvin and Me...After that the better music comes in and I was getting high but not drunk yet...So i end up going dancing with sadha and darren...Then we went back to have a drink again...Then finished drinking liao, so i decided more drinks so have to go and order...So darren,sadha and I went to the bar counter to order and i ordered Vodka orange...Went back and started drinking again...After that its was AKON- Smack That!!Then everyone was high...I knew i was high also...So everyone was singing along the tune and WOOOOOOO!!!Subsequently, the drinks got lesser and lesser and this time i went to get barcardi coke...While walking there i know i high liao and I was smiling and waving at a group of girls at the bar and they smiled and waved back...I was like high and did not think much bout it, until i start to think back what happened yesterday when i woke up today...Subsequently, i remembered myself being dragged to the toliet by my 2 good friends alvin and jun jie for me to go puke...Trust me, the feeling of it is worse than normal vommitting... I stoned in the toliet for like almost 20 mins from what i roughly remembered...Then they dragged me back up the stairs to Phuture...I was sitting and stoning + sleeping for the next 1 hour plus or so with subsequent waking up by the staff at Zouk and ask if i was alright and i remembered hearing alot of remixes of Umbrella,My Hum,,Makes me wonder, Dun Cha, some Juntin Timberlake song, etc...The staff there are really good btw...Around 2 plus or so, i told darren,sadha and jun jie that i want to leave and they lifted me up and dragged me to leave the premises...Took a cab and went home...Below are the photos we took in zouk:
Me,Sadha and birthday boy Darren! with 1st housepour jug
Cai Yu,Jun Jie,Immanuel,Nic,Me,Darren and Alvin (Btw Nic,u do look like big boss!haha)
Group Pic before Nic and Immanuel left
After finishing 1 jug of barcardi coke with Sadha, my face abit red liao...This is the 3rd jug!
Alvin, Darren,Sadha and Me!
Lastly,For those who took care of me on Friday, I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU!!
Singapore Super Import Nights
The next day,syafiq gave me a wake up call around 9.30am and i woke up...Suprisingly, no handover, no headache, juz that my stomach is extremely hungry...So i quickly washed up and i start to recall what i did the previous day at zouk...So i changed and waiting for syafiq and his friend hazwan at the taxi stand...After a few mins of waiting, they arrived and i board the car...On the way there, we talked bout the car mods,the type of cars there will be at expo...I was recalling what i was doing the previous day and i had memories here and there as they are all jumbled up together, and of course,i remembered the puking was really horrible...EeeEEEEeee...Anyway, we decided to stop at east point to grab a bite and took a train down to expo as the parking lots are most likely full...Actually, Hafiz was suppose to join us but end up he got something on, so he did not come along...And Wyd did not wana go coz he have to pay the $10 which he find is totally not worth it...But to the 3 of us, we dun mind paying even $20 if that was the entrance price, because its really worth it!
I saw the ST powered EG6, it was insane!! I saw Euro Accord R with gay mods as well and a turbo-charged EK9...
Overview of the EG6
ST-Powered EG6 with a B20 (my guess) engine...
Quad Throttles Man...When VTEC kicks in its gonna be so freaking LOUD!
Front End of Euro Accord R
Quad Throttle on a K20A
Overview of the turbocharged EK9
Engine bay of EK9 with HKS Racing BOV(Blow Off Valve)
Thats the Turbo for the EK9
Next is the Skyline GTR 34 with 1002 HP...If ur wondering how much is 1002HP, its about 9 times the power of ur dad's/mum car...
1002 HP will smoke all practically eveything including ur Ferrais and Lambos
The back end of the R34 with a huge GT wing
The APEXI Twin Turbos of the Skyline, they are massive!
Engine Bay of the R34
Evo X. Yes Evolution 10 with some minor mods (Air filter,HKS Racing BOV,Delfi Gauges)

Overview of Evo X
Me testing out the clutch and the gears...The short throws for shifting is really smooth and good! Following on is the Honda Civic Type R (JDM Model)
Over view of the Civic Type R
Me testing out the clutch and gear box!Compared to EvoX, the Civic clutch was much harder and the gear shifts are heavier!Its a Civic Type R after all so what do u expect?
Next was Blitz drfit ready Skyline R34
Overview of the Blitz Skyline R34
Engine bay!Alot of differences compared to the other one right?
Finally i saw a S2000!
This is what i call a body kit worth for the S2000
Isn't this so tempting?I love the steering wheel!!Yes,ur eyes are not fooling u, it has a 9000 rpm red line
F20C engine,246 HP, 9000rpm redline, no explaination required Next, speedo and rpm meter of the Intergra type R
Imagine reving it all the way to 8500 rpm before changing gear!
We saw a supped up Silva S15 at the silent booth!
Silva S15 with engine mod + kick ass body kit + lambo doors...Yes, they open like ur Lamborghini Murcielago...
Iced up system of the S15 (4 amplifiers + 3 600W sub woofer + many more!)
Inside a Euro Accord R with the battery on!I love the view!
Next, random pics...
Honda Del Sol CRX!Rare sight in SG..
Work place installed inside a Toyota Estima
Now, models of the event! :D)
Now, if u say the models are not chio,i got nothing to say, but i would comment that they are cute...Very photogenic!
One of the models

The other model is Japanese (Wyd,Hafiz,too bad lah...And Wyd,ur taste is freaking high)

Iris with her lovely smile
And...Iris was nice enough to let me take a photo with her!
So, is $10 worth it?YoU be the JUDGE!!!
A pity we got out late and we missed the live drift show, but here is a short clip of a toyota altezza turbo burning off the remaining of the tires!!By the way, it darn loud and it rocks...
Anyway,the pics i uploaded is only around 1/10 of the pics i took, so i chose the best out of all the pics...Enjoy!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Down with common cold
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Hi everyone...Been quite some time since i last blog...Anyway, updates...I had my 2nd driving lesson on wed and i basically was left to drive around the streets or amk and bishan and thomson road ( Yes, i drove by the prate stall)...Stalled the car once due to careless and bully by sports car...Sobz...I was at the traffic T junction and in front of me there is an Evo 9 with mods, beside me a Civic Type R (JDM Model) and behind me a modded RX8. Those who were thinking what they will do in my shoes, u should know what i am thinking.... So here is the story...I was in gear 1 preparing to go and the Evo 9 was moving...So i was going and suddenly the Evo 9 in front suddenly brake causing me to stall as i let off the clutch too quickly while going to gear 2...Then that Evo 9 rev the freaking engine and had wheel spin...Stupid f*#ker lah...Knn...Busy road somemore..On purpose to bully me lah...After that i drove as usual in the high 40s km/h to mid 50s km/h. I hit 60km/h while travelling from Bishan Park 2 back to amk....Everything was alright...But juz that while doing U-Turns, my hands tend to touch each other and my instructor said that was not suppose to happen...Apart from that and the 3/4 steady right leg on the accelerator, i think i should be alright for now...
Next, School...School is pretty busy with staying late over in library to settle project matters etc...After medical micro practical on Thursday, i saw gwen when she was walking along the corridor,so like what friends do,i said hi...The guys have been jee siaoing me ever since they see her saw pass the corridor of the practical rooms...Whats wrong with me making friends with her?
ZzzzZ is all i need over this weekend as i am totally drained and did i mention down with my very own virus, Shangfengviridae...Complements to Wyd who started this name for my virus...Also down with common cold and i have been having a leaking nose since this morning and terrible sneezes...Hope all of YoU out there have a safe and sick-free weekend...Recharge for next week!
Nic,Hafiz,Wyd,Ah Jun, Ah Guan, Ram, Meena, Fang Cheng and i were sawing Les Voix (Pronouced as La Vuar,Its French...What u expect?) performed by the Voice assemble...Yi Tian voice is still is high and power as ever like what Hafiz said...On the way back, other than Nic and Wyd, the whole lot of us went to amk S-11 to eat and after eating, we walk to amk mrt as some of them were taking train...So i took this pic as Meena and Ah Jun i think told me to take it...It was not my idea!!I was innocent...LOL...Anyway, going to sleep now...I am so in need of my much needed rest...Will have an update soon enough...
Guess who is it?.jpg)
Its non other than Hafiz and Ya Mon...Haha...LOl...They are juz talking and i juz took the photo