Thursday, October 25, 2007
Tired, tired, tired...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Hello everyone...I cant blog as often as currently we have 7 modules + 5 projects + 5 lab reports (about to come)..Imagine the work load on the year 2s...Its insanity...Anyway,an update, been sleeping less than 7 hours a day (luckily?) and feeling damn drained each day...Thank god weekends are coming!!I had my 1st driving lesson today...Like all first timers apart from Ah Jun, i stall the engine, turn the ignition back on, i stall the engine, turn the ignition back on, and this repeats like 3-4 times until i get the hang of knowing i have my gear on...Practiced half clutch before moving off and reversing which i still need to get used to,U turns which i am quite okay in and shifting of gear which i am good in...Of course, like all beginners, i started out slow and learnt the basics of driving and finally before my lesson end, the instructor let me drive home!:) Woooo...Oh ya, i blocked a few WRXs during my practice and i can tell that they are quite pissed...I will be pissed to if i were them...Haha...What to do traffic light got block so only 1 lane...Did i mention on my way driving home, i drove up to around the range of 60-70km/h without knowing in gear 4...LOL...Until i saw the speedometer when my instructor was talking like :"Oei, Slow down, not too fast!" A good experience to understand how L-licenced drivers feel...Hahah...I use to tell my bro/mum to overtake them because they are so slow...But after today, i will change my view...I think if i were to drive a go-kart and a car,my go kart will be able to travel faster than how i was driving today...LOL...Seriously, driving is not as easy as what i have thought of, however, with practice + my interest in cars, i think i would be able to control the car and hopefully be able to passed in the 1st try...
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Been busy!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
For those of u out there who were wondering why i wasn't blogging,its because i haven been busy this week...1st week of school was pretty alright juz that i hate mondays...The lesson is so freaking long and end of the day, we still have bioprocess prac...Thinking bout it juz made me so bored...Played badminton on wednesday with nic,wyd,hafiz,ah jun,ah guan,darren,immanuel,xiao bin,chin boon, alvin and lastly syafiq who brought his wrx drift machine...Haha...had fun drifting it but was hard to control...Watched balls of fury or i would say ball of cock with ah jun,min feng,chin boon,alvin on friday before bioinfo prac...I was late as i overslept due lack of sleep...Something hit me on thursday to start studying and stop playing my 2moons...Then friday Mr howe starting talking things bout studying and i was further hitted again to start studying...He said money should be the last thing to worry about for education and for a moment there i felt that its a good thing to hear bout that...However,since when money is not a problem for education?Ever thought bout that?Truthfully,i got into this course because i worked my ass out (wyd,this part is not for jokes,seriously not in a mood) 4 months before Os and its day in and day out doing and practising my revisions...That was how bad i wanted to come to this course...But then again,i am literally slacking even 1 month before the exams and i study like juz days before the exams...Results literally suck as u have imagined...I did not have even an A yet since the start of year 1...I do not ask much of my results but i miss the feeling of having acomplished something...Something academic wise..Perhaps its not too late to make a good start this sem...Maybe I shall start studying tmr...Lets juz pray i can keep up the studying mood...Anyway, below is the pic duing the badminton session:
Alvin, u have to eat more man!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
School Begins!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Hello everyone!!!An update, went to k-box on friday with aug,suan,xiao bin and hafiz...Had fun singing!!!Anyways, school have begun and i knew that i was going to feel tired coz i only slept 2 hours today!!!Cant sleep...But i am quite sure i will juz sleep early tonight...Hahaha...I juz went to amk central sportslink to find a proper badminton racket and i found 1 that i liked...It burned a hole in my wallet though...$49.90, stupid odd even pricing...Might as well put $50...Anyway if ur wondering what brand and model it is, it is Yonex Titanium Pro 601 Super...Its a carbon graphite racket...There is actually a muscletech racket for $59.90 with free big badminton storage bag...Its a pity that its out of stock...Oh well...Anyway, here are the photos we took for the k-box session, there is also 2 videos attached at the bottom..Haha...I zao sia a few times...Haha...Need more practise...LOL...Hafiz one was alright!:)

Me with my new hair colour...Yes,i am choosing a song at the moment.Thats Suan with a bored look...
Ah jun perhaps u can smile better in camera?Haha...My mischievousness called in action...LOL
Augustine,Suan,Me...Suan,why u look so sad?LOL
Me singing...
Me singing again...
The 5 of us: Augustine,Xiao Bin,Audrey,Suan,Me (Ah jun and Hafiz missing...Haha)
The shoes of the GAY buddies...Hahaha....We are happy buddies what...Whats wrong with that?
Audrey and Hafiz- Liang shan bou yu Ju Li YeAudrey and I-Lian ai ping liu
Friday, October 12, 2007
My hair is ......
Friday, October 12, 2007
Hello everyone!!An update, went to school to play badminton day with ALOT of people...Haha...Had plenty of fun!!!The photos are at the bottom...Anyways,i wanted was saying that i will be dying my hair today and i did!!However, after the process of dyeing and doing nothing for 30 mins or so,i was shocked to see me hair in that colour...I was expecting red but the colour came out as.......i leave it for u to see the colour....See my hair colour...
Going to do some changes with the hair by the hairdresser tmr...I seriously look like some beng or seng in that matter...I was rather disappointed in the colour...My mum going down with me tmr to tell the hairdresser what to change...Guess its good having a mum that knows fashion and hair designs well!Haha...Anyways, lets juz pray tmr the hair colour will come out nice like the 1st time and the 2nd time...Going to K-box tmr with Xiao Bin,Suan,Aug,Hafiz,Ah jun,Aud....If i were to miss out ur name,i am sorry coz i only know that these are the people going...Haha...Here are the photos:

Alvin and I
Group Photo: Min Feng,Ah Jun,Alvin,Darren,Chin Boon,Hafiz,Me
Group Photo again!
Hafiz, Alvin And Me
Here comes the beng photos
This is how beng my hair is...Thank God i having it for 1 day only!
Side View
Side View
Looks much neater this way right??Hahaha..If only the colour was like this!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The First Entry!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Hello every one!!This being my first post i must say that i have not blogged since sec 2, so this shows that i have not blog for that long!Hahaha...Anyways, an update on how the holidays have passed by like a flick of an eye.Went for chalet during 17th of sept to 19th...Then rot at home with games + swimming once at least every week.I am getting FAT,not weight wise, but tyre wise...Lets see, there is the AD07 at the top,RE07s at the mid and....LOL...I mean "spare tyre"...Haha..Not car tyres...LOL...Anyways, bought a new phone 6120 classic!Looks and functions wise not bad.But the configuration and negavation of phone needs to be explored!!Gonna dye my hair tmr after the badminton session in school...Haha..Finally! Lets juz hope i dun come out too beng or something...My 1st driving practical starts on sat!Woooo...I juz hope i dun stall the engine can liao...Must develop feelings with the engine also...Haha...Those of u with a O_________o look at ur face (maybe wyd will),please seriously love ur car if u have one...Please go wash ur car if there is droppings on them...I juz cant stand owners (might as well sit on them)who dun take care of their car...Thats about it for the 1st post!Oh ya, i went for the Caltex Go-Karting Challenge and we happen to be the 1st in our category, however,we were not called up...Shows how GOOD the planners are...Anyways,here are the photos:.jpg)
Project K: Wyd,Syafiq,Hafiz,Me
Project K after go-karting challenge (explains the messy hair)
Lucky No.1 :Me all set and ready to go!!
Me (after my run) and Syafiq before he burnt some rubber and went for extra lap!
Our drift machines: White Silva for me,Black Silva for Syafiq
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007